P-Queue, vol. 4, is soon to go to print. Volume 4 will be available in late summer to contributors and reviewers (if you'd like to write a review, please find contact information for P-Queue below and to the right), and will be available for sale in early fall.
Vol. 4 marks a transition for us at P-Queue. Our founding editor, Sarah Campbell, has handed off the journal after three years at the helm. We're hoping to meet the consistently high production values that Sarah established with vols. 1 - 3, while we yet expand both the reach and focus of the journal.
This site, for one, is new, and we'll be using it to bring together past and present contributors as well as to broaden our base of readers. Periodically, we'll post notice about calls for work, readings and book launches, links to reviews and other sites of interest, and we'll also publicize a few new projects that we'll be carrying out under the imprint of P-Queue.